African magic - magic

In West Africa, magical rituals have existed since time immemorial, thousands of years before the Americans arrived in Africa and enslaved.  Nowadays, religions that believe in magic or so-called physician are still highly respected in countries like Togo, Ghana or Nigeria.  People still believe that using animal body parts or strange ritual spells can solve all physical and mental problems for them.

The remote market looks very creepy, mysterious and covered with dust and desert sand.  Inside the stalls, you will shudder to see the various parts of the animals.  The main items in the market are heads, tails, animal skins and dried animal feet, displayed on the ground, on wooden tables, piled on each other or dangling from wooden posts.  Baboons appear at the market most often because they are popular and easy to hunt, then other species such as antelope, wild buffalo, varan, camel, wild boar, monkey, leopard, tiger, snake ... all  have all
