Light music good music, mood music

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          source sunny z a charming flower music video for mood, use for street and boat.                                                                              According to the scientific dictionary, light music is defined as follows: "light music is a music and entertainment music, located between two types of popular consumer music and serious music, to please the ears, please listeners,  bring calmness, renew health, attract mental entertainment ... ”.  Similarly, the music dictionary also adds: "light music is a popular music that is receptive and entertaining.                                                                                                        Features of light music are simple, easy to remember content and form.  The nature of music is often joyful and life-loving.  Various types of dance music, activities, marches, small Overture songs (opening song), Rhapsodia songs, Fantasia, based on the theme of Operet, funny songs, singing Estrade (1)  , in the performances are also classified as light music ... ".
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